
const Utils = require("./Utils");
const UrlJoin = require("url-join");
const { FrameClient } = require("./FrameClient");
const {LogMessage} = require("./LogMessage");

class UserProfileClient {
  Log(message, error=false) {
    LogMessage(this, message, error);

   * Methods used to access and modify information about the user
   * <h4 id="PromptsAndAccessLevels">A note about access level and prompts: </h4>
   * Note: This section only applies to applications working within Eluvio Core
   * Users can choose whether or not their info is shared to applications. A user
   * may choose to allow open access to their profile, no access to their profile, or
   * they may choose to be prompted to give access when an application requests it. The
   * user's access level can be determined using the <a href="#AccessLevel">AccessLevel</a>
   * method.
   * By default, users will be prompted to give access. For methods that access the user's private information,
   * Eluvio Core will intercept the request and prompt the user for permission before proceeding. In
   * these cases, the normal FrameClient timeout period will be ignored, and the response will come
   * only after the user accepts or rejects the request.
   * Access and modification of user metadata is namespaced to the requesting application when using the
   * FrameClient. Public user metadata can be accessed using the PublicUserMetadata method.
   * If the user refuses to give permission, an error will be thrown. Otherwise, the request will proceed
   * as normal.
   * <h4>Usage</h4>
   * Access the UserProfileClient from ElvClient or FrameClient via client.userProfileClient
   * @example
let client = ElvClient.FromConfiguration({configuration: ClientConfiguration});

let wallet = client.GenerateWallet();
let signer = wallet.AddAccount({
  accountName: "Alice",
  privateKey: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

await client.userProfileClient.UserMetadata()

let frameClient = new FrameClient();
await client.userProfileClient.UserMetadata()
  constructor({client, debug}) {
    this.client = client;
    this.debug = debug;
    this.userWalletAddresses = {};
    this.walletAddress = undefined;
    this.walletAddressRetrieved = false;

  async CreateWallet() {
    if(this.creatingWallet) {
      while(this.creatingWallet) {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));

    this.creatingWallet = true;

    try {
      // Check if wallet contract exists
      if(!this.walletAddress || Utils.EqualAddress(this.walletAddress, Utils.nullAddress)) {
        this.Log(`Creating user wallet for user ${this.client.signer.address}`);

        // Don't attempt to create a user wallet if user has no funds
        const balance = await this.client.GetBalance({address: this.client.signer.address});
        if(balance < 0.05) {
          return undefined;

        const walletCreationEvent = await this.client.CallContractMethodAndWait({
          contractAddress: Utils.HashToAddress(this.client.contentSpaceId),
          methodName: "createAccessWallet",
          methodArgs: []

        const abi = await this.client.ContractAbi({contractAddress: this.client.contentSpaceAddress});
        this.walletAddress = this.client.ExtractValueFromEvent({
          event: walletCreationEvent,
          eventName: "CreateAccessWallet",
          eventValue: "wallet"

        this.userWalletAddresses[Utils.FormatAddress(this.client.signer.address)] = this.walletAddress;

      // Check if wallet object is created
      const libraryId = this.client.contentSpaceLibraryId;
      const objectId = Utils.AddressToObjectId(this.walletAddress);

      try {
        await this.client.ContentObject({libraryId, objectId});
      } catch(error) {
        if(error.status === 404) {
          this.Log(`Creating wallet object for user ${this.client.signer.address}`);
          const createResponse = await this.client.CreateContentObject({libraryId, objectId});

          await this.client.FinalizeContentObject({
            writeToken: createResponse.write_token,
            commitMessage: "Create user wallet object"
    } catch(error) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.error("Failed to create wallet contract:");
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    } finally {
      this.creatingWallet = false;

   * Get the contract address of the current user's BaseAccessWallet contract
   * @return {Promise<string>} - The contract address of the current user's wallet contract
  async WalletAddress(autoCreate=true) {
    if(this.walletAddress || this.walletAddressRetrieved) { return this.walletAddress; }

    if(!this.walletAddressPromise) {
      this.walletAddressPromise = this.client.CallContractMethod({
        contractAddress: Utils.HashToAddress(this.client.contentSpaceId),
        methodName: "userWallets",
        methodArgs: [this.client.signer.address]

    const walletAddress = await this.walletAddressPromise;

    if(!Utils.EqualAddress(walletAddress, Utils.nullAddress)) {
      this.walletAddress = walletAddress;

    if(!this.walletAddress && autoCreate) {
      await this.CreateWallet();

    this.walletAddressRetrieved = true;

    return this.walletAddress;

   * Get the user wallet address for the specified user, if it exists
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string} address - The address of the user
   * @return {Promise<string>} - The wallet address of the specified user, if it exists
  async UserWalletAddress({address}) {
    if(Utils.EqualAddress(address, this.client.signer.address)) {
      return await this.WalletAddress();

    if(!this.userWalletAddresses[address]) {
      this.Log(`Retrieving user wallet address for user ${address}`);

      const walletAddress =
        await this.client.CallContractMethod({
          contractAddress: Utils.HashToAddress(this.client.contentSpaceId),
          methodName: "userWallets",
          methodArgs: [address]

      if(!Utils.EqualAddress(walletAddress, Utils.nullAddress)) {
        this.userWalletAddresses[address] = walletAddress;

    return this.userWalletAddresses[address];

   * Retrieve the user wallet object information (library ID and object ID)
   * The user's wallet can be modified in the same way as any other object, using
   * EditContentObject to get a write token, modification methods to change it,
   * and FinalizeContentObject to finalize the draft
   * @return {Promise<{Object}>} - An object containing the libraryId and objectId for the wallet object.
  async UserWalletObjectInfo({address}={}) {

    const walletAddress = address ?
      await this.UserWalletAddress({address}) :
      await this.WalletAddress();

    return {
      libraryId: this.client.contentSpaceLibraryId,
      objectId: walletAddress ? Utils.AddressToObjectId(walletAddress) : ""

   * Access the specified user's public profile metadata
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string=} address - The address of the user
   * @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree of the metadata to retrieve
   * @param {Object=} queryParams={} - Additional query params for the call
   * @param {Array<string>=} select - Limit the returned metadata to the specified attributes
   * - Note: Selection is relative to "metadataSubtree". For example, metadataSubtree="public" and select=["name", "description"] would select "public/name" and "public/description"
   * @param {boolean=} resolveLinks=false - If specified, links in the metadata will be resolved
   * @param {boolean=} resolveIncludeSource=false - If specified, resolved links will include the hash of the link at the root of the metadata


          "resolved-link": {
            ".": {
              "source": "hq__HPXNia6UtXyuUr6G3Lih8PyUhvYYHuyLTt3i7qSfYgYBB7sF1suR7ky7YRXsUARUrTB1Um1x5a"
            "public": {
              "name": "My Linked Object",

   * @param {boolean=} resolveIgnoreErrors=false - If specified, link errors within the requested metadata will not cause the entire response to result in an error
   * @param {number=} linkDepthLimit=1 - Limit link resolution to the specified depth. Default link depth is 1 (only links directly in the object's metadata will be resolved)
   * @return {Promise<Object|string>}
  async PublicUserMetadata({
  }) {
    if(!address) { return; }

    const walletAddress = await this.UserWalletAddress({address});

    if(!walletAddress) { return; }

    metadataSubtree = UrlJoin("public", metadataSubtree || "/");

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo({address});

    if(!objectId) { return; }

    return await this.client.ContentObjectMetadata({

   * Access the current user's metadata
   * Note: Subject to user's access level
   * @see <a href="#PromptsAndAccessLevels">Prompts and access levels</a>
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree of the metadata to retrieve
   * @param {Object=} queryParams={} - Additional query params for the call
   * @param {Array<string>=} select - Limit the returned metadata to the specified attributes
   * - Note: Selection is relative to "metadataSubtree". For example, metadataSubtree="public" and select=["name", "description"] would select "public/name" and "public/description"
   * @param {boolean=} resolveLinks=false - If specified, links in the metadata will be resolved
   * @param {boolean=} resolveIncludeSource=false - If specified, resolved links will include the hash of the link at the root of the metadata


          "resolved-link": {
            ".": {
              "source": "hq__HPXNia6UtXyuUr6G3Lih8PyUhvYYHuyLTt3i7qSfYgYBB7sF1suR7ky7YRXsUARUrTB1Um1x5a"
            "public": {
              "name": "My Linked Object",

   * @param {boolean=} resolveIgnoreErrors=false - If specified, link errors within the requested metadata will not cause the entire response to result in an error
   * @param {number=} linkDepthLimit=1 - Limit link resolution to the specified depth. Default link depth is 1 (only links directly in the object's metadata will be resolved)
   * @return {Promise<Object|string>} - The user's profile metadata - returns undefined if no metadata set or subtree doesn't exist
  async UserMetadata({
  }={}) {
    this.Log(`Accessing private user metadata at ${metadataSubtree}`);

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    return await this.client.ContentObjectMetadata({

   * Merge the current user's profile metadata
   * @namedParams
   * @param {Object} metadata - New metadata
   * @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree to merge into - modifies root metadata if not specified
  async MergeUserMetadata({metadataSubtree="/", metadata={}}) {
    this.Log(`Merging user metadata at ${metadataSubtree}`);

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    const editRequest = await this.client.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId});

    await this.client.MergeMetadata({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, metadataSubtree, metadata});
    await this.client.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, commitMessage: "Merge user metadata"});

   * Replace the current user's profile metadata
   * @namedParams
   * @param {Object} metadata - New metadata
   * @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree to replace - modifies root metadata if not specified
  async ReplaceUserMetadata({metadataSubtree="/", metadata={}}) {
    this.Log(`Replacing user metadata at ${metadataSubtree}`);

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    const editRequest = await this.client.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId});

    await this.client.ReplaceMetadata({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, metadataSubtree, metadata});
    await this.client.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, commitMessage: "Replace user metadata"});

   * Delete the specified subtree from the users profile metadata
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree to delete - deletes all metadata if not specified
  async DeleteUserMetadata({metadataSubtree="/"}) {
    this.Log(`Deleting user metadata at ${metadataSubtree}`);

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    const editRequest = await this.client.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId});

    await this.client.DeleteMetadata({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, metadataSubtree});
    await this.client.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, commitMessage: "Delete user metadata"});

   * Return the permissions the current user allows for apps to access their profile.
   * "private" - No access allowed
   * "prompt" - (default) - When access is requested by an app, the user will be prompted to give permission
   * "public - Public - Any access allowed
   * @return {Promise<string>} - Access setting
  async AccessLevel() {
    return (await this.UserMetadata({metadataSubtree: "access_level"})) || "prompt";

   * Set the current user's access level.
   * Note: This method is not accessible to applications. Eluvio core will drop the request.
   * @namedParams
   * @param level
  async SetAccessLevel({level}) {
    level = level.toLowerCase();

    if(!["private", "prompt", "public"].includes(level)) {
      throw new Error("Invalid access level: " + level);

    await this.ReplaceUserMetadata({metadataSubtree: "access_level", metadata: level});

   * Return the ID of the tenant admin group set for current user
   * @return {Promise<string>} - Tenant ID
  async TenantId() {
    if(!this.tenantId) {
      const {objectId} = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();
      this.tenantId = await this.client.TenantId({ objectId });
    return this.tenantId;

   * Set the current user's tenant admin group ID
   * Note: This method is not accessible to applications. Eluvio core will drop the request.
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string} id - The tenant ID in hash format
   * @param {string} address - The group address to use in the hash if id is not provided
  async SetTenantId({ id, address }) {

    if(id && (!id.startsWith("iten") || !Utils.ValidHash(id))) {
      throw Error(`Invalid tenant ID: ${id}`);

    if(address) {
      if(!Utils.ValidAddress(address)) {
        throw Error(`Invalid address: ${address}`);

      id = `iten${Utils.AddressToHash(address)}`;

    const {objectId} = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    const tenantInfo = await this.client.SetTenantId({ objectId, tenantId: id });
    this.tenantContractId = tenantInfo.tenantContractId;
    this.tenantId = tenantInfo.tenantId;

   * Return the ID of the tenant contract this user belongs to, if set.
   * @return {Promise<string>} - Tenant Contract ID
  async TenantContractId() {
    if(!this.tenantContractId) {
      const {objectId} = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();
      this.tenantContractId = await this.client.TenantContractId({ objectId });
    return this.tenantContractId;

   * Set the current user's tenant contract.
   * Note: This method is not accessible to applications. Eluvio core will drop the request.
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string} tenantContractId - The tenant contract ID in hash format
   * @param {string} address - The tenant address to use in the hash if id is not provided
  async SetTenantContractId({tenantContractId}) {
    const {objectId} = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    const tenantInfo = await this.client.SetTenantContractId({ objectId,tenantContractId });
    this.tenantContractId = tenantInfo.tenantContractId;
    this.tenantId = tenantInfo.tenantId;

  async ResetTenantId(){
    const {objectId} = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();
    await this.client.ResetTenantId({objectId});
    this.tenantId = this.client.TenantId({objectId});
    this.tenantContractId = this.client.TenantContractId({objectId});

   * Get the URL of the current user's profile image
   * Note: Part hash of profile image will be appended to the URL as a query parameter to invalidate
   * browser caching when the image is updated
   * @namedParams
   * @param {string=} address - The address of the user. If not specified, the address of the current user will be used.
   * @param {number=} height - If specified, the image will be scaled to the specified maximum height
   * @see <a href="Utils.html#.ResizeImage">Utils#ResizeImage</a>
   * @return {Promise<string | undefined>} - URL of the user's profile image. Will be undefined if no profile image is set.
  async UserProfileImage({address, height}={}) {
    let walletAddress;
    if(address) {
      walletAddress = await this.UserWalletAddress({address});
    } else {
      address = this.client.signer.address;
      walletAddress = this.walletAddress;

    if(!walletAddress) { return; }

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo({address});
    return this.client.ContentObjectImageUrl({libraryId, objectId, height, imagePath: "public/profile_image"});

   * Set a new profile image for the current user
   * @namedParams
   * @param {blob} image - The new profile image for the current user
  async SetUserProfileImage({image}) {
    this.Log(`Setting profile image for user ${this.client.signer.address}`);

    const size = image.length || image.byteLength || image.size;
    if(size > 5000000) {
      throw Error("Maximum profile image size is 5MB");

    const { libraryId, objectId } = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();

    const editRequest = await this.client.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId});

    await this.client.SetContentObjectImage({
      writeToken: editRequest.write_token,
      imageName: "profile_image",
      imagePath: "public/profile_image"

    await this.client.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken: editRequest.write_token, commitMessage: "Set user profile image"});

   * Get the accumulated tags for the current user
   * Note: Subject to user's access level
   * @see <a href="#PromptsAndAccessLevels">Prompts and access levels</a>
   * @return {Promise<Object>} - User tags
  async CollectedTags() {
    return await this.UserMetadata({metadataSubtree: "collected_data"}) || {};

  // Ensure recording tags never causes action to fail
  async RecordTags({libraryId, objectId, versionHash}) {
    try {
      await this.__RecordTags({libraryId, objectId, versionHash});
    } catch(error) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console

  async __RecordTags({libraryId, objectId, versionHash}) {
    const accessType = await this.client.AccessType({id: objectId});
    if(accessType !== "object") { return; }

    if(!versionHash && !libraryId) {
      libraryId = await this.client.ContentObjectLibraryId({objectId});

    if(!versionHash) {
      versionHash = (await this.client.ContentObject({libraryId, objectId})).hash;

    // If this object has already been seen, don't re-record tags
    const seen = await this.UserMetadata({metadataSubtree: UrlJoin("accessed_content", versionHash)});
    if(seen) { return; }

    const walletObjectInfo = await this.UserWalletObjectInfo();
    const userLibraryId = walletObjectInfo.libraryId;
    const userObjectId = walletObjectInfo.objectId;

    // Mark content as seen
    const editRequest = await this.client.EditContentObject({libraryId: userLibraryId, objectId: userObjectId});
    await this.client.ReplaceMetadata({
      libraryId: userLibraryId,
      objectId: userObjectId,
      writeToken: editRequest.write_token,
      metadataSubtree: UrlJoin("accessed_content", versionHash),

    const contentTags = await this.client.ContentObjectMetadata({
      metadataSubtree: "video_tags"

    if(contentTags && contentTags.length > 0) {
      let userTags = await this.CollectedTags();
      const formattedTags = this.__FormatVideoTags(contentTags);

      Object.keys(formattedTags).forEach(tag => {
        if(userTags[tag]) {
          // User has seen this tag before
          userTags[tag].occurrences += 1;
          userTags[tag].aggregate += formattedTags[tag];
        } else {
          // New tag
          userTags[tag] = {
            occurrences: 1,
            aggregate: formattedTags[tag]

      // Update user tags
      await this.client.ReplaceMetadata({
        libraryId: userLibraryId,
        objectId: userObjectId,
        writeToken: editRequest.write_token,
        metadataSubtree: "collected_data",
        metadata: userTags

    await this.client.FinalizeContentObject({
      libraryId: userLibraryId,
      objectId: userObjectId,
      writeToken: editRequest.write_token,
      commitMessage: "Record user tags",
      awaitCommitConfirmation: false

    Format video tags into an easier format and average scores
    Example content tags:
      "tags": [
          "score": 0.3,
          "tag": "cherry"
          "score": 0.8,
          "tag": "chocolate"
          "score": 0.6,
          "tag": "boat"
      "time_in": "00:00:00.000",
      "time_out": "00:03:00.000"
  __FormatVideoTags(videoTags) {
    let collectedTags = {};

    videoTags.forEach(videoTag => {
      const tags = videoTag["tags"];

      tags.forEach(tag => {
        if(collectedTags[tag.tag]) {
          collectedTags[tag.tag].occurrences += 1;
          collectedTags[tag.tag].aggregate += tag.score;
        } else {
          collectedTags[tag.tag] = {
            occurrences: 1,
            aggregate: tag.score

    let formattedTags = {};
    Object.keys(collectedTags).forEach(tag => {
      formattedTags[tag] = collectedTags[tag].aggregate / collectedTags[tag].occurrences;

    return formattedTags;

  // List of methods that may require a prompt - these should have an unlimited timeout period
  PromptedMethods() {
    return FrameClient.PromptedMethods();

  // List of methods for accessing user metadata - these should be namespaced when used by an app
  MetadataMethods() {
    return FrameClient.MetadataMethods();

  // Whitelist of methods allowed to be called using the frame API
  FrameAllowedMethods() {
    const forbiddenMethods = [

    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(this))
      .filter(method => !forbiddenMethods.includes(method));

module.exports = UserProfileClient;