* Methods for managing content types, libraries and objects
* @module ElvClient/ContentManagement
const UrlJoin = require("url-join");
const Ethers = require("ethers");
const Pako = require("pako");
const LibraryContract = require("../contracts/BaseLibrary");
const ContentContract = require("../contracts/BaseContent");
const EditableContract = require("../contracts/Editable");
const {
} = require("../Validation");
exports.SetVisibility = async function({id, visibility}) {
this.Log(`Setting visibility ${visibility} on ${id}`);
const hasSetVisibility = await this.authClient.ContractHasMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(id),
methodName: "setVisibility"
if(!hasSetVisibility) {
const event = await this.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(id),
methodName: "setVisibility",
methodArgs: [visibility],
// TODO: Get rid of this when fabric is changed
// Wait to ensure fabric cache expires
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
return event;
* Set the current permission level for the specified object. See client.permissionLevels for all available permissions.
* Note: This method is only intended for normal content objects, not types, libraries, etc.
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @param {string} objectId - The ID of the object
* @param {string} permission - The key for the permission to set - See client.permissionLevels for available permissions
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token for the content object - If specified, info will be retrieved from the write draft instead of creating a new draft and finalizing
exports.SetPermission = async function({objectId, permission, writeToken}) {
ValidatePresence("permission", permission);
let permissionSettings = this.permissionLevels[permission];
if(!permissionSettings) {
throw Error("Unknown permission level: " + permission);
if((await this.AccessType({id: objectId})) !== this.authClient.ACCESS_TYPES.OBJECT) {
throw Error("Permission only valid for normal content objects: " + objectId);
const settings = permissionSettings.settings;
const libraryId = await this.ContentObjectLibraryId({objectId});
// Visibility
await this.SetVisibility({id: objectId, visibility: settings.visibility});
const statusCode = await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "statusCode"
if(statusCode !== settings.statusCode) {
if(settings.statusCode < 0) {
await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "setStatusCode",
methodArgs: [-1]
} else {
await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "publish"
// KMS Conk
const kmsAddress = await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "addressKMS"
const kmsConkKey = `eluv.caps.ikms${this.utils.AddressToHash(kmsAddress)}`;
const kmsConk = await this.ContentObjectMetadata({libraryId, objectId, metadataSubtree: kmsConkKey});
if(kmsConk && !settings.kmsConk) {
await this.EditAndFinalizeContentObject({
commitMessage: "Remove encryption conk",
callback: async ({writeToken}) => {
await this.DeleteMetadata({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, metadataSubtree: kmsConkKey});
} else if(!kmsConk && settings.kmsConk) {
const finalize = !writeToken;
if(!writeToken) {
writeToken = (await this.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId})).writeToken;
await this.CreateEncryptionConk({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, createKMSConk: true});
if(finalize) {
await this.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, commitMessage: `Set permissions to ${permission}`});
/* Content Type Creation */
* Create a new content type.
* A new content type contract is deployed from
* the content space, and that contract ID is used to determine the object ID to
* create in the fabric. The content type object will be created in the special
* content space library (ilib<content-space-hash>)
* @methodGroup Content Types
* @namedParams
* @param libraryId {string=} - ID of the library in which to create the content type. If not specified,
* it will be created in the content space library
* @param {string} name - Name of the content type
* @param {object} metadata - Metadata for the new content type
* @param {(Blob | Buffer)=} bitcode - Bitcode to be used for the content type
* @returns {Promise<string>} - Object ID of created content type
exports.CreateContentType = async function({name, metadata={}, bitcode}) {
this.Log(`Creating content type: ${name}`);
metadata.name = name;
metadata.public = {
...(metadata.public || {})
const { contractAddress } = await this.authClient.CreateContentType();
const objectId = this.utils.AddressToObjectId(contractAddress);
await this.SetVisibility({id: objectId, visibility: 1});
const path = UrlJoin("qlibs", this.contentSpaceLibraryId, "qid", objectId);
this.Log(`Created type: ${contractAddress} ${objectId}`);
/* Create object, upload bitcode and finalize */
const rawCreateResponse = await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({
libraryId: this.contentSpaceLibraryId,
update: true
method: "POST",
path: path
// extract the url for the node that handled the request
// TODO: remove/simplify after we start using /nodes API call to get node URLs for write tokens
const nodeUrl = (new URL(rawCreateResponse.url)).origin;
const createResponse = await this.utils.ResponseToJson(
// Record the node used in creating this write token
this.RecordWriteToken({writeToken: createResponse.write_token, fabricNodeUrl: nodeUrl});
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
libraryId: this.contentSpaceLibraryId,
writeToken: createResponse.write_token,
if(bitcode) {
const uploadResponse = await this.UploadPart({
libraryId: this.contentSpaceLibraryId,
writeToken: createResponse.write_token,
data: bitcode,
encrypted: false
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
libraryId: this.contentSpaceLibraryId,
writeToken: createResponse.write_token,
metadataSubtree: "bitcode_part",
metadata: uploadResponse.part.hash
await this.FinalizeContentObject({
libraryId: this.contentSpaceLibraryId,
writeToken: createResponse.write_token,
commitMessage: "Create content type"
const tenantContractId = await this.userProfileClient.TenantContractId();
await this.SetTenantContractId({contractAddress, tenantContractId});
this.Log(`tenant_contract_id set for ${objectId}`);
return objectId;
/* Library creation and deletion */
* Create a new content library.
* A new content library contract is deployed from
* the content space, and that contract ID is used to determine the library ID to
* create in the fabric.
* @methodGroup Content Libraries
* @namedParams
* @param {string} name - Library name
* @param {string=} description - Library description
* @param {blob=} image - Image associated with the library
* @param {string=} - imageName - Name of the image associated with the library (required if image specified)
* @param {Object=} metadata - Metadata of library object
* @param {string=} kmsId - ID of the KMS to use for content in this library. If not specified,
* the default KMS will be used.
* @param {string=} tenantId - ID of the tenant to use for this library
* @returns {Promise<string>} - Library ID of created library
exports.CreateContentLibrary = async function({
}) {
if(!kmsId) {
kmsId = `ikms${this.utils.AddressToHash(await this.DefaultKMSAddress())}`;
this.Log("Creating content library");
this.Log(`KMS ID: ${kmsId}`);
const { contractAddress } = await this.authClient.CreateContentLibrary({kmsId});
metadata = {
public: {
const libraryId = this.utils.AddressToLibraryId(contractAddress);
this.Log(`Library ID: ${libraryId}`);
this.Log(`Contract address: ${contractAddress}`);
// Set library content object type and metadata on automatically created library object
const objectId = libraryId.replace("ilib", "iq__");
const editResponse = await this.EditContentObject({
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
writeToken: editResponse.write_token
await this.FinalizeContentObject({
writeToken: editResponse.write_token,
commitMessage: "Create library"
// Upload image if provided
if(image) {
await this.SetContentLibraryImage({
// Set tenant contract ID on the library if the user is associated with a tenant
if(!tenantContractId) {
tenantContractId = await this.userProfileClient.TenantContractId();
await this.SetTenantContractId({contractAddress, tenantContractId});
this.Log(`tenant_contract_id set for ${contractAddress}`);
this.Log(`Library ${libraryId} created`);
return libraryId;
* Set the image associated with this library
* @methodGroup Content Libraries
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token for the draft
* @param {Blob | ArrayBuffer | Buffer} image - Image to upload
* @param {string=} imageName - Name of the image file
exports.SetContentLibraryImage = async function({libraryId, writeToken, image, imageName}) {
const objectId = libraryId.replace("ilib", "iq__");
return this.SetContentObjectImage({
* Set the image associated with this object
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {Blob | ArrayBuffer | Buffer} image - Image to upload
* @param {string=} imageName - Name of the image file
* @param {string=} imagePath=public/display_image - Metadata path of the image link (default is recommended)
exports.SetContentObjectImage = async function({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, image, imageName, imagePath="public/display_image"}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
ValidatePresence("image", image);
imageName = imageName || "display_image";
if(typeof image === "object") {
image = await new Response(image).arrayBuffer();
await this.UploadFiles({
encrypted: false,
fileInfo: [
path: imageName,
mime_type: "image/*",
size: image.size || image.length || image.byteLength,
data: image
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
metadataSubtree: imagePath,
metadata: {
"/": `./files/${imageName}`
* NOT YET SUPPORTED - Delete the specified content library
* @methodGroup Content Libraries
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library to delete
exports.DeleteContentLibrary = async function({libraryId}) {
throw Error("Not supported");
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unreachable
let path = UrlJoin("qlibs", libraryId);
const authorizationHeader = await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, update: true});
await this.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(libraryId),
methodName: "kill",
methodArgs: []
await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: authorizationHeader,
method: "DELETE",
path: path
/* Library Content Type Management */
* Add a specified content type to a library
* @methodGroup Content Libraries
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string=} typeId - ID of the content type
* @param {string=} typeName - Name of the content type
* @param {string=} typeHash - Version hash of the content type
* @param {string=} customContractAddress - Address of the custom contract to associate with
* this content type for this library
* @returns {Promise<string>} - Hash of the addContentType transaction
exports.AddLibraryContentType = async function({libraryId, typeId, typeName, typeHash, customContractAddress}) {
this.Log(`Adding library content type to ${libraryId}: ${typeId || typeHash || typeName}`);
if(typeHash) { typeId = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(typeHash).objectId; }
if(!typeId) {
// Look up type by name
const type = await this.ContentType({name: typeName});
typeId = type.id;
this.Log(`Type ID: ${typeId}`);
const typeAddress = this.utils.HashToAddress(typeId);
customContractAddress = customContractAddress || this.utils.nullAddress;
const event = await this.ethClient.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(libraryId),
methodName: "addContentType",
methodArgs: [typeAddress, customContractAddress]
return event.transactionHash;
* Remove the specified content type from a library
* @methodGroup Content Libraries
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string=} typeId - ID of the content type (required unless typeName is specified)
* @param {string=} typeName - Name of the content type (required unless typeId is specified)
* @param {string=} typeHash - Version hash of the content type
* @returns {Promise<string>} - Hash of the removeContentType transaction
exports.RemoveLibraryContentType = async function({libraryId, typeId, typeName, typeHash}) {
this.Log(`Removing library content type from ${libraryId}: ${typeId || typeHash || typeName}`);
if(typeHash) { typeId = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(typeHash).objectId; }
if(!typeId) {
// Look up type by name
const type = await this.ContentType({name: typeName});
typeId = type.id;
this.Log(`Type ID: ${typeId}`);
const typeAddress = this.utils.HashToAddress(typeId);
const event = await this.ethClient.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(libraryId),
methodName: "removeContentType",
methodArgs: [typeAddress]
return event.transactionHash;
/* Content object creation, modification, deletion */
* Create a new content object draft.
* A new content object contract is deployed from
* the content library, and that contract ID is used to determine the object ID to
* create in the fabric.
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string=} objectId - ID of the object (if contract already exists)
* @param {Object=} options -
* type: Version hash of the content type to associate with the object
* meta: Metadata to use for the new object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Response containing the object ID and write token of the draft
exports.CreateContentObject = async function({libraryId, objectId, options={}}) {
if(objectId) { ValidateObject(objectId); }
this.Log(`Creating content object: ${libraryId} ${objectId || ""}`);
// Look up content type, if specified
let typeId;
if(options.type) {
this.Log(`Type specified: ${options.type}`);
let type = options.type;
if(type.startsWith("hq__")) {
type = await this.ContentType({versionHash: type});
} else if(type.startsWith("iq__")) {
type = await this.ContentType({typeId: type});
} else {
type = await this.ContentType({name: type});
if(!type) {
throw Error(`Unable to find content type '${options.type}'`);
typeId = type.id;
options.type = type.hash;
if(!objectId) {
const currentAccountAddress = await this.CurrentAccountAddress();
const canContribute = await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(libraryId),
methodName: "canContribute",
methodArgs: [currentAccountAddress]
if(!canContribute) {
throw Error(`Current user does not have permission to create content in library ${libraryId}`);
this.Log("Deploying contract...");
const { contractAddress } = await this.authClient.CreateContentObject({libraryId, typeId});
objectId = this.utils.AddressToObjectId(contractAddress);
this.Log(`Contract deployed: ${contractAddress} ${objectId}`);
} else {
this.Log(`Contract already deployed for contract type: ${await this.AccessType({id: objectId})}`);
if(options.visibility) {
this.Log(`Setting visibility to ${options.visibility}`);
await this.SetVisibility({id: objectId, visibility: options.visibility});
const path = UrlJoin("qid", objectId);
const rawCreateResponse = await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, objectId, update: true}),
method: "POST",
path: path,
body: options
// extract the url for the node that handled the request
// TODO: remove/simplify after we start using /nodes API call to get node URLs for write tokens
const nodeUrl = (new URL(rawCreateResponse.url)).origin;
const createResponse = await this.utils.ResponseToJson(
// Record the node used in creating this write token
this.RecordWriteToken({writeToken: createResponse.write_token, fabricNodeUrl: nodeUrl});
createResponse.writeToken = createResponse.write_token;
createResponse.objectId = createResponse.id;
createResponse.nodeUrl = nodeUrl;
return createResponse;
* Create a new content object draft from an existing content object version.
* Note: The type of the new copy can be different from the original object.
* @see <a href="#CreateContentObject">CreateContentObject</a>
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library in which to create the new object
* @param originalVersionHash - Version hash of the object to copy
* @param {Object=} options -
* type: Version hash of the content type to associate with the object - may be different from the original object
* meta: Metadata to use for the new object - This will be merged into the metadata of the original object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Response containing the object ID and write token of the draft
exports.CopyContentObject = async function({libraryId, originalVersionHash, options={}}) {
options.copy_from = originalVersionHash;
const {objectId, writeToken} = await this.CreateContentObject({libraryId, options});
const originalObjectId = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(originalVersionHash).objectId;
const metadata = await this.ContentObjectMetadata({versionHash: originalVersionHash});
const permission = await this.Permission({objectId: originalObjectId});
// User CAP
const userCapKey = `eluv.caps.iusr${this.utils.AddressToHash(this.signer.address)}`;
if(metadata[userCapKey]) {
const userConkKey = await this.Crypto.DecryptCap(metadata[userCapKey], this.signer._signingKey().privateKey);
userConkKey.qid = objectId;
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
metadataSubtree: userCapKey,
metadata: await this.Crypto.EncryptConk(userConkKey, this.signer._signingKey().publicKey)
await Promise.all(
.filter(key => key.startsWith("eluv.caps.ikms"))
.map(async kmsCapKey =>
await this.DeleteMetadata({
metadataSubtree: kmsCapKey
if(permission !== "owner") {
await this.CreateEncryptionConk({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, createKMSConk: true});
return await this.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken});
* Create a non-owner cap key using the specified public key and address
* @methodGroup Access Requests
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} publicKey - Public key for the target cap
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token for the content object - If specified, info will be retrieved from the write draft instead of creating a new draft and finalizing
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
exports.CreateNonOwnerCap = async function({objectId, libraryId, publicKey, writeToken}) {
const userCapKey = `eluv.caps.iusr${this.utils.AddressToHash(this.signer.address)}`;
const userCapValue = await this.ContentObjectMetadata({objectId, libraryId, metadataSubtree: userCapKey});
if(!userCapValue) {
throw Error("No user cap found for current user");
const userConk = await this.Crypto.DecryptCap(userCapValue, this.signer._signingKey().privateKey);
const publicAddress = this.utils.PublicKeyToAddress(publicKey);
const targetUserCapKey = `eluv.caps.iusr${this.utils.AddressToHash(publicAddress)}`;
const targetUserCapValue = await this.Crypto.EncryptConk(userConk, publicKey);
const finalize = !writeToken;
if(!writeToken) {
writeToken = await this.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId}).writeToken;
metadataSubtree: targetUserCapKey,
metadata: targetUserCapValue
if(finalize) {
await this.FinalizeContentObject({
commitMessage: "Create non-owner cap"
* Create a new content object draft from an existing object.
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {object=} options -
* @param {object=} options.meta - New metadata for the object - will be merged into existing metadata if specified
* @param {string=} options.type - New type for the object - Object ID, version hash or name of type
* @returns {Promise<object>} - Response containing the object ID and write token of the draft, as well as URL of node handling the draft
exports.EditContentObject = async function({libraryId, objectId, options={}}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
this.Log(`Opening content draft: ${libraryId} ${objectId}`);
if("type" in options && options.type) {
if(options.type.startsWith("hq__")) {
// Type hash specified
options.type = (await this.ContentType({versionHash: options.type})).hash;
} else if(options.type.startsWith("iq__")) {
// Type ID specified
options.type = (await this.ContentType({typeId: options.type})).hash;
} else if(options.type) {
// Type name specified
options.type = (await this.ContentType({name: options.type})).hash;
} else {
options.type = "";
let path = UrlJoin("qid", objectId);
const rawEditResponse = await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, objectId, update: true}),
method: "POST",
path: path,
body: options
// extract the url for the node that handled the request
// TODO: remove/simplify after we start using /nodes API call to get node URLs for write tokens
const nodeUrl = (new URL(rawEditResponse.url)).origin;
const editResponse = await this.utils.ResponseToJson(
// Record the node used in creating this write token
this.RecordWriteToken({writeToken: editResponse.write_token, fabricNodeUrl: nodeUrl});
editResponse.writeToken = editResponse.write_token;
editResponse.objectId = editResponse.id;
editResponse.nodeUrl = nodeUrl;
return editResponse;
* Create and finalize new content object draft from an existing object.
* Equivalent to:
* CreateContentObject()
* callback({objectId, writeToken})
* FinalizeContentObject()
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {function=} callback - Async function to perform after creating the content draft and before finalizing. Object ID and write token are passed as named parameters.
* @param {object=} options -
* meta: New metadata for the object - will be merged into existing metadata if specified
* type: New type for the object - Object ID, version hash or name of type
* @param {string=} commitMessage - Message to include about this commit
* @param {boolean=} publish=true - If specified, the object will also be published
* @param {boolean=} awaitCommitConfirmation=true - If specified, will wait for the publish commit to be confirmed.
* Irrelevant if not publishing.
* @returns {Promise<object>} - Response from FinalizeContentObject
exports.CreateAndFinalizeContentObject = async function({
}) {
const args = await this.CreateContentObject({libraryId, options});
const {id, writeToken} = args;
if(callback) {
await callback({objectId: id, writeToken});
return await this.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId: id, writeToken, commitMessage, publish, awaitCommitConfirmation});
* Create and finalize new content object draft from an existing object.
* Equivalent to:
* EditContentObject()
* callback({writeToken})
* FinalizeContentObject()
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {function=} callback - Async function to perform after creating the content draft and before finalizing. Write token is passed as a named parameter.
* @param {object=} options -
* meta: New metadata for the object - will be merged into existing metadata if specified
* type: New type for the object - Object ID, version hash or name of type
* @param {string=} commitMessage - Message to include about this commit
* @param {boolean=} publish=true - If specified, the object will also be published
* @param {boolean=} awaitCommitConfirmation=true - If specified, will wait for the publish commit to be confirmed.
* Irrelevant if not publishing.
* @returns {Promise<object>} - Response from FinalizeContentObject
exports.EditAndFinalizeContentObject = async function({
}) {
const {writeToken} = await this.EditContentObject({libraryId, objectId, options});
if(callback) {
await callback({writeToken});
return await this.FinalizeContentObject({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, commitMessage, publish, awaitCommitConfirmation});
exports.AwaitPending = async function(objectId) {
const PendingHash = async () =>
await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "pendingHash",
this.Log("Checking for pending commit");
const pending = await PendingHash();
if(!pending) { return; }
// Only allow 3 seconds for wallet updates because they should be fast
const isWallet = (await this.authClient.AccessType(objectId)) === this.authClient.ACCESS_TYPES.WALLET;
let timeout = isWallet ? 3 : 10;
this.Log(`Waiting for pending commit to clear for ${objectId}`);
for(let i = 0; i < timeout; i++) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
// Pending hash cleared
if(!(await PendingHash())) {
if(isWallet) {
this.Log("Clearing stuck wallet commit", true);
// Clear pending commit, it's probably stuck
await this.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "clearPending"
} else {
throw Error(`Unable to finalize ${objectId} - Another commit is pending`);
* Finalize content draft
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {string=} commitMessage - Message to include about this commit
* @param {boolean=} publish=true - If specified, the object will also be published
* @param {boolean=} awaitCommitConfirmation=true - If specified, will wait for the publish commit to be confirmed.
* Irrelevant if not publishing.
exports.FinalizeContentObject = async function({
}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
metadataSubtree: "commit",
metadata: {
message: commitMessage,
author: (await this.userProfileClient.UserMetadata({metadataSubtree: "public/name"})) || this.CurrentAccountAddress(),
author_address: this.CurrentAccountAddress(),
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
this.Log(`Finalizing content draft: ${libraryId} ${objectId} ${writeToken}`);
await this.AwaitPending(objectId);
let path = UrlJoin("q", writeToken);
const finalizeResponse = await this.HttpClient.RequestJsonBody({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, objectId, update: true}),
method: "POST",
path: path,
allowFailover: false
this.Log(`Finalized: ${finalizeResponse.hash}`);
if(publish) {
await this.PublishContentVersion({
versionHash: finalizeResponse.hash,
// Invalidate cached content type, if this is one.
delete this.contentTypes[objectId];
return finalizeResponse;
* Publish a previously finalized content object version
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} versionHash - The version hash of the content object to publish
* @param {boolean=} awaitCommitConfirmation=true - If specified, will wait for the publish commit to be confirmed.
exports.PublishContentVersion = async function({objectId, versionHash, awaitCommitConfirmation=true}) {
versionHash ? ValidateVersion(versionHash) : ValidateObject(objectId);
this.Log(`Publishing: ${objectId || versionHash}`);
if(versionHash) { objectId = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(versionHash).objectId; }
const commit = await this.ethClient.CommitContent({
contentObjectAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
signer: this.signer
const abi = await this.ContractAbi({id: objectId});
const fromBlock = commit.blockNumber - 30; // due to block re-org
const objectHash = await this.ExtractValueFromEvent({
event: commit,
eventName: "CommitPending",
eventValue: "objectHash"
const pendingHash = await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "pendingHash",
if(pendingHash && pendingHash !== objectHash) {
throw Error(`Pending version hash mismatch on ${objectId}: expected ${objectHash}, currently ${pendingHash}`);
if(awaitCommitConfirmation) {
this.Log(`Awaiting commit confirmation for ${objectHash}`);
const pollingInterval = this.ethClient.Provider().pollingInterval || 500;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while(true) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, pollingInterval));
const events = await this.ContractEvents({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
topics: [
await this.authClient.IsV3({id: objectId}) ?
Ethers.utils.id("VersionConfirm(address,address,string)") :
count: 1000
const confirmEvent = events.find(blockEvents =>
blockEvents.find(event => objectHash === (event && event.args && event.args.objectHash))
if(confirmEvent) {
// Found confirmation
this.Log(`Commit confirmed on chain: ${objectHash}`);
// APIv2 ensure the fabric API returns the correct hash
if(awaitCommitConfirmation) {
const pollingInterval = 500; // ms
let tries = 20;
while(tries > 0) {
let h;
try {
h = await this.LatestVersionHashV2({objectId});
if(h === versionHash) {
this.Log(`Commit confirmed on fabric node: ${versionHash}`);
} else {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, pollingInterval));
} catch(error) {
if(error.status !== 404) {
throw error;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, pollingInterval));
* Delete specified version of the content object
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string=} versionHash - Hash of the object version - if not specified, most recent version will be deleted
exports.DeleteContentVersion = async function({versionHash}) {
this.Log(`Deleting content version: ${versionHash}`);
const { objectId } = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(versionHash);
await this.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "deleteVersion",
methodArgs: [versionHash]
* Delete specified content object
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
exports.DeleteContentObject = async function({libraryId, objectId}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
this.Log(`Deleting content version: ${libraryId} ${objectId}`);
await this.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(libraryId),
methodName: "deleteContent",
methodArgs: [this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId)]
/* Content object metadata */
* Merge specified metadata into existing content object metadata
* @methodGroup Metadata
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {Object} metadata - New metadata to merge
* @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree of the object metadata to modify
exports.MergeMetadata = async function({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, metadataSubtree="/", metadata={}}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
`Merging metadata: ${libraryId} ${objectId} ${writeToken}
Subtree: ${metadataSubtree}`
let path = UrlJoin("q", writeToken, "meta", metadataSubtree);
await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, objectId, update: true}),
method: "POST",
path: path,
body: metadata,
allowFailover: false
* Replace content object metadata with specified metadata
* @methodGroup Metadata
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {Object} metadata - New metadata to merge
* @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree of the object metadata to modify
exports.ReplaceMetadata = async function({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, metadataSubtree="/", metadata={}}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
`Replacing metadata: ${libraryId} ${objectId} ${writeToken}
Subtree: ${metadataSubtree}`
let path = UrlJoin("q", writeToken, "meta", metadataSubtree);
await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, objectId, update: true}),
method: "PUT",
path: path,
body: metadata,
allowFailover: false
* Delete content object metadata of specified subtree
* @methodGroup Metadata
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {string=} metadataSubtree - Subtree of the object metadata to modify
* - if not specified, all metadata will be deleted
exports.DeleteMetadata = async function({libraryId, objectId, writeToken, metadataSubtree="/"}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
`Deleting metadata: ${libraryId} ${objectId} ${writeToken}
Subtree: ${metadataSubtree}`
this.Log(`Subtree: ${metadataSubtree}`);
let path = UrlJoin("q", writeToken, "meta", metadataSubtree);
await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, objectId, update: true}),
method: "DELETE",
path: path,
allowFailover: false
* Set the access charge for the specified object
* @methodGroup Access Requests
* @namedParams
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {number | string} accessCharge - The new access charge, in ether
exports.SetAccessCharge = async function({objectId, accessCharge}) {
this.Log(`Setting access charge: ${objectId} ${accessCharge}`);
await this.ethClient.CallContractMethodAndWait({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
methodName: "setAccessCharge",
methodArgs: [this.utils.EtherToWei(accessCharge).toString()]
* Recursively update all auto_update links in the specified object.
* Note: Links will not be updated unless they are specifically marked as auto_update
* @methodGroup Links
* @param {string=} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string=} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string=} versionHash - Version hash of the object -- if not specified, latest version is returned
* @param {function=} callback - If specified, the callback will be called each time an object is updated with
* current progress as well as information about the last update (action)
* - Format: {completed: number, total: number, action: string}
exports.UpdateContentObjectGraph = async function({libraryId, objectId, versionHash, callback}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId, versionHash});
this.Log(`Updating content object graph: ${libraryId || ""} ${objectId || versionHash}`);
if(versionHash) { objectId = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(versionHash).objectId; }
let total;
let completed = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while(1) {
const graph = await this.ContentObjectGraph({
autoUpdate: true,
select: ["name", "public/name", "public/asset_metadata/display_title"]
if(Object.keys(graph.auto_updates).length === 0) {
this.Log("No more updates required");
if(!total) {
total = graph.auto_updates.order.length;
const currentHash = graph.auto_updates.order[0];
const links = graph.auto_updates.links[currentHash];
const details = graph.details[currentHash].meta || {};
const name = (details.public && details.public.asset_metadata && details.public.asset_metadata.display_title) ||
(details.public && details.public.name) || details.name || versionHash || objectId;
const currentLibraryId = await this.ContentObjectLibraryId({versionHash: currentHash});
const currentObjectId = (this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(currentHash)).objectId;
if(callback) {
action: `Updating ${name} (${currentObjectId})...`
this.Log(`Updating links for ${name} (${currentObjectId} / ${currentHash})`);
const {write_token} = await this.EditContentObject({
libraryId: currentLibraryId,
objectId: currentObjectId
await Promise.all(
links.map(async ({path, updated}) => {
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
libraryId: currentLibraryId,
objectId: currentObjectId,
writeToken: write_token,
metadataSubtree: path,
metadata: updated
const { hash } = await this.FinalizeContentObject({
libraryId: currentLibraryId,
objectId: currentObjectId,
writeToken: write_token,
commitMessage: "Update links"
// If root object was specified by hash and updated, update hash
if(currentHash === versionHash) {
versionHash = hash;
completed += 1;
* Generate a signed link token.
* @methodGroup Links
* @namedParams
* @param {string=} containerId - ID of the container object
* @param {string=} versionHash - Version hash of the object
* @param {string=} link - Path
* @param {string=} duration - How long the link should last in milliseconds
* @return {Promise<string>} - The state channel token
exports.GenerateSignedLinkToken = async function({
}) {
const canEdit = await this.CallContractMethod({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(containerId),
methodName: "canEdit"
const { objectId } = this.utils.DecodeVersionHash(versionHash);
if(!canEdit) {
throw Error(`Current user does not have permission to edit content object ${objectId}`);
const signerAddress = this.CurrentAccountAddress();
let token = {
adr: this.utils.B64(signerAddress.replace("0x", ""), "hex"),
spc: await this.ContentSpaceId(),
lib: await this.ContentObjectLibraryId({objectId}),
qid: objectId,
sub: `iusr${this.utils.AddressToHash(signerAddress)}`,
gra: "read",
iat: Date.now(),
exp: duration ? (Date.now() + duration) : undefined,
ctx: {
elv: {
lnk: link,
src: containerId
const compressedToken = Pako.deflateRaw(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(token), "utf-8"));
const signature = await this.authClient.Sign(Ethers.utils.keccak256(compressedToken));
return `aslsjc${this.utils.B58(Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from(signature.replace(/^0x/, ""), "hex"),
* Create links to files, metadata and/or representations of this or or other
* content objects.
* Expected format of links:
path: string (metadata path for the link)
target: string (path to link target),
type: string ("file", "meta" | "metadata", "rep" - default "metadata")
targetHash: string (optional, for cross-object links),
autoUpdate: boolean (if specified, link will be automatically updated to latest version by UpdateContentObjectGraph method),
authContainer: string (optional, object id of container object if creating a signed link)
* @methodGroup Links
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {Array<Object>} links - Link specifications
exports.CreateLinks = async function({
}) {
ValidateParameters({libraryId, objectId});
await this.utils.LimitedMap(
async info => {
const path = info.path.replace(/^(\/|\.)+/, "");
let type = (info.type || "file") === "file" ? "files" : info.type;
if(type === "metadata") { type = "meta"; }
let target;
let authTarget;
target = authTarget = info.target.replace(/^(\/|\.)+/, "");
if(info.targetHash) {
target = `/qfab/${info.targetHash}/${type}/${target}`;
} else {
target = `./${type}/${target}`;
let link = {
"/": target
if(info.autoUpdate) {
link["."] = { auto_update: { tag: "latest"} };
// Sign link
if(info.authContainer) {
const linkMetadata = await this.ContentObjectMetadata({
metadataSubtree: path
if(linkMetadata) {
link = linkMetadata;
if(!link["."]) link["."] = {};
if(!linkMetadata["."]["authorization"]) {
link["."]["authorization"] = await this.GenerateSignedLinkToken({
containerId: info.authContainer,
versionHash: info.targetHash,
link: `./${type}/${authTarget}`
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
metadataSubtree: path,
metadata: link
* Initialize or replace the signed auth policy for the specified object
* @methodGroup Auth Policies
* @namedParams
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
* @param {string} objectId - ID of the object
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token of the draft
* @param {string=} target="auth_policy_spec" - The metadata location of the auth policy
* @param {string} body - The body of the policy
* @param {string} version - The version of the policy
* @param {string=} description - A description for the policy
* @param {string=} id - The ID of the policy
exports.InitializeAuthPolicy = async function({
}) {
let authPolicy = {
type: "epl-ast",
data: {
"/": UrlJoin(".", "meta", target)
signer: `iusr${this.utils.AddressToHash(this.signer.address)}`,
description: description || "",
id: id || ""
const string = `${authPolicy.type}|${authPolicy.version}|${authPolicy.body}|${authPolicy.data["/"]}`;
authPolicy.signature = this.utils.FormatSignature(
await this.authClient.Sign(Ethers.utils.keccak256(Ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(string)))
await this.ReplaceMetadata({
metadataSubtree: "auth_policy",
metadata: authPolicy
await this.SetAuthPolicy({objectId, policyId: objectId});
* Set the authorization policy for the specified object
* @methodGroup Auth Policies
* @namedParams
* @param {string} objectId - The ID of the object
* @param {string} policyId - The ID of the policy
exports.SetAuthPolicy = async function({objectId, policyId}) {
await this.MergeContractMetadata({
contractAddress: this.utils.HashToAddress(objectId),
metadataKey: "_AUTH_CONTEXT",
metadata: { "elv:delegation-id": policyId }
* Delete the specified write token
* @methodGroup Content Objects
* @namedParams
* @param {string} writeToken - Write token to delete
* @param {string} libraryId - ID of the library
exports.DeleteWriteToken = async function({writeToken, libraryId}) {
let path = UrlJoin("qlibs", libraryId, "q", writeToken);
const authorizationHeader = await this.authClient.AuthorizationHeader({libraryId, update: true});
await this.HttpClient.Request({
headers: authorizationHeader,
method: "DELETE",
path: path,
allowFailover: false
await this.HttpClient.ClearWriteToken({writeToken});